VIP Family Care - Special Needs

One of our main concerns is discovering ways we can support families who have a child with a chronic special need. The Hatton Foundation of Cincinnati provided a generous grant to Sweeten Life to conduct a yearlong, in depth study to investigate their strengths, needs and best practices. The research provided many insights and revelations. Some key points are:

  1. Hardly anyone, doctor, educator, counselor, physical therapist or minister had visited the family or seen them in a natural environment.
  2. Hardly anyone had asked the parents and other care givers how they were faring emotionally, relationally, spiritually or physically.
  3. The parents and care givers were almost never asked for insights about their child’s behavior or reactions to treatment, education, medication or patterns of behavior.
  4. Despite having insights about successful ways to rear a child with special needs, there was no platform to share their best practices.
  5. No one asked if the parents were receiving emotional and spiritual support.
  6. No one asked about what stresses them or brings them peace
  7. No one asked about helping with the overwhelming daily tasks.
These results indicate the places churches and community groups can be very useful and helpful to these families without having to get advanced training. Sweeten Life VIP Family Care will network with those organizations already involved in supporting families and develop supportive materials to enhance their work. Come in to see what we have already developed for interested parties and get a taste of what great things are coming.

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Sweeten Life Systems

P.O. Box 498455
Cincinnati, OH 45249
513.204.1655 fax
[email protected]

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